• Guilty as charged. 🙂 I seldom set a timer for the FMF, but this post took about 15 minutes to actually write. Adding the photo, tags, and formatting is what takes me the longest, though. I’m definitely technologically-challenged. Lol The Scripture from Psalm 40 has always been my “testimony” verse, so it was easy to let the words flow from there. I have so much to be thankful for — My Savior is amazing, just like His grace! Thanks for stopping by, Sheila!

  1. Amen! I’m so glad I’m your neighbor at FMF :). My life testimony has been one of progress and growth–little changes that equal a big change. God isn’t finished working with me yet (thankfully!).

    • Little changes in the hands of our Father equal big blessings, indeed. I’m thankful He is patient and continually at work in making us more like Jesus. “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.” – 2 Corinthians 4:7
      May His power grow ever-greater in you, Anita.

  2. A great post, Barbara! “My testimony is secure in His faithfulness. My soul saved by His grace alone.” So very true of me too. Thanks for sharing. Your FMF neighbour, visiting from #21 this week.

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