1. It’s truly tragic and heartbreaking. May we continue to be faithful in prayer and advocating for the value of all lives. But I agree with you – the only hope of a happier ending is turning to God.
    Visiting from FMF#14

  2. This is a good question, Barbara, “How has the taking of human life now become a form of birth control in our minds?” May the Lord have mercy on us.

  3. Barbara, Thank you for writing about this. My heart hurts so bad for all of these babies. Abby Johnson said we need to change the hearts of people so that it’s unthinkable to have an abortion. God grieves with us.

  4. “How has this become our reality?” Indeed. It is more than my mind can comprehend and, often, more than my heart can handle. And yet, I am guilty of shying away from it. Thank you for taking this prompt and speaking so clearly and boldly – especially to those of us who should be doing so ourselves. I join you in praying for our nation…and our unborn babies.

    • I tend to steer clear of overly-sensitive topics, but this is what immediately came to mind with Friday’s word, and I realized I could no longer remain silent. The thought that a mother’s womb is a high-risk area for babies is heartbreaking. These statistics literally brought me to tears. My husband made comment the other day that a baby is fortunate to “survive” birth in today’s world. Oh Father, forgive us. And show us how we can share Your love and truth with those we encounter daily.

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