1. So many Christians compromise,
    and they’re making a mistake
    that they might see with open eyes
    if only they might be awake.
    They hear the soothing lullaby
    of Tolerance and Coexist,
    and in slumber say goodbye
    to all reason to resist,
    and while they ignorantly sleep,
    they of course cannot be hearing
    approach of traitors to the sheep
    so tempting, tea, do ripe for shearing,
    and will one day wake in surprise
    to their own wool pulled over eyes.

  2. Some very poignant and thought provoking lines in here:
    Time and again, I compromise the power available to me through the blood of Jesus when I either neglect it or willfully choose to ignore it. And that is heartbreaking to consider.

  3. I so appreciated this post. The world needs the gospel and it will not put a stamp of approval on every behavior or choices. May we live by the truth, God’s truth, “yielding to His Spirit and becoming more like Jesus. For His glory and our good. Without compromise.”

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