1. Terri

    What a beautiful blog. It is amazing to me that one word can inspire so many different people to creatively share a message about the love of God in so many different ways. That is indeed a great Bible verse.

    Terri #4 FMF

  2. This post was both beautiful and encouraging. “Far from breaking us, our Redeemer will bind and heal … He will blow the breath of Spirit life upon us.” His Word breathes life into us each day as we come and take in the word of life. “Take heart, Beloved. His truth will always have the final say.” Amen!

  3. Michaela Maree

    “His blood spilled out in a consuming love, consumes the worst of me, and steadies my tottering faith.” This line really hit home in such a needed way. I often forget that his love consumes the worst of me and that it is sufficient! Thank you~

  4. There are days when my strength fails,
    well, every day, if truth be told,
    and there is nothing that avails
    but the willingness to be so bold
    and stand before the Throne of Grace
    that I may receive an answer,
    middle finger in God’s face,
    “Why this now, Lord, yeah, why the cancer?
    We just got clear of bankruptcy!
    All had started to come ’round
    with a purpose, so smoothly!
    Why must we be cruelly bound
    to a life, pain beyond measure…
    and then You say, “You are My treasure!”

  5. I’ve really grown to love that verse (and mentioned it in my FMF post) but I remember that I used to be quite puzzled by the meaning. As you’ve shared, and I’ve learned, it really speaks to gentleness and patience of Jesus and how thankful I am for that! Your words are beautiful, thank you for sharing. Visiting from FMF#13

  6. “When all I see are impossible odds and a flagging faith struggling to stay burning, my Savior realizes the possibility of a disciple strengthened by His Spirit.” Wow! So true.

  7. Barbara, this is thoroughly beautiful. The Good News is truly one of hope in His great love. Tonight I was at the Maundy Thursday last supper, foot washing and Jesus’ agony in the garden of Gesemane, as His passion begins. He truly shows His love as an example – but we know how this one ends! Praise be to God. He is risen indeed. Dawn #27

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