Thanks to Jesus, I am both saved and being saved. A once-and-done rescue that is constantly delivering me time and again.
I am both emptied and filled.
Both freed and kept.
My God is a Father of completeness and balance.
A Savior filled with truth and grace, offering me the most extravagant freedom I could desire. All while keeping me firmly within the bounds of unconditional love.
He both redeems and restores.
Rescues and renames.
Embraces the worst of me while intently bringing out the best of Himself.
He places life and freedom in the depths of my soul, empowering me with the presence of His very Spirit.
His very Spirit. In me.
I am both humbled and amazed at the lengths of such love. Bound to the heart of my Father, engraved upon His palms, my presence is always before Him.
And I find myself free here.
More wholly free than anywhere else.
He binds me to Himself while loosing me to dance upon the heights – a contradiction in harmonious grasp.
Garrisoned by His presence on every side but never hemmed in, a captive of grace yet never more at liberty.
I am both held and released in the confines of perfect love.
Kept . . .for this moment and beyond.
This post is written in conjunction with Teaming up with an online group of writers who encourage others to share the words God has given them. The gist is to write for five minutes on a one-word prompt, then post your writing and link up with others who do the same — no overthinking, no deep editing, just free-writing in a short amount of time.
Leisa Williams
I am both held and released in the confines of perfect love…. So true His love both holds us close and releases us to be all He created us to be. Thank you for your understandings and for sharing them.
Barb Hegreberg
I am both loved and loving.
I am both mom & daughter.
I am both wife and friend.
Dawn Fanshawe
Both/and full of beautiful and challenging paradox. Thank you, Barbara