Let this be written for the generation to come,
so that a people not yet created may praise the LORD.
— Psalm 102:18
When the earth was without form, and all was void and darkness, did You have me in mind when You spoke for light to come? Did You see across the centuries and know that one day Your love would dawn upon the darkness of my soul, conquering every lingering shadow?
When Your Spirit hovered over the water’s surface searching for a place to land, did You spot me across the recesses of time and know You would find a resting place in my heart?
When You separated the land from the seas, did You notice me strolling along an ocean’s shore with You? Did You have this blessed communion in mind all along, knowing I would one day walk and talk with You as the waves lapped against my feet?
When You brought forth such grand variety of vegetation, from fruit trees to flowers and herbs, did You have me in mind? Did you instill this love of gardening in my soul, connecting my heart to Your own as my fingers scoop handfuls of dirt and seeds to bring life and sustenance to my surroundings?
When You set the sun and moon in motion and scattered stars and planets across the galaxies, did You see into the future and note how I would gaze in awe at the expanse of the heavens stretching above me, attempting to count the infinite number of stars You know by name?Â
When You filled the rivers and oceans with fish and released animals to bound across mountains and race through deserts and jungles, did You watch me exploring Your creation and delighting in the variety of life You designed? Was my joy a part of Your intent behind the uniqueness of the platypus, giraffes, and pelicans? Did You fashion them with an outrageous pleasure to match my own?
When You formed Adam and Eve, breathing life into their images, did You have the blueprint of my life as securely in mind as theirs? Did Your thoughts skip across the generations to see me as clearly as You walked alongside them in the cool of the day? Did You know I would share that same blessed contentment as I walked with You?Â
Have You always known me so thoroughly, Lord?
When I ponder the power and might of Who You are, Father, I can barely grasp a minuscule understanding of why You would come for one such as me. I have no way of knowing Your thoughts toward me. No human framing for the expanse of Your love that stretched arms wide upon a cross to encompass me as Your beloved.
And yet, I have all I need to know in this mustard-seed-sized faith that daily proclaims:
Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.
Here in the wondering of Your wonder, I am held.
I am loved.
I am kept.
I have everything I need in You, sweet Savior — from the beginning to the end of me.
This post was written in conjunction with https://fiveminutefriday.com/2023/04/20/fmf-writing-prompt-link-up-have/ Teaming up with an online group of writers who encourage others to share the words God has given them. The gist is to write for five minutes on a one-word prompt, then post your writing and link up with others who do the same — no overthinking, no deep editing, just free-writing in a short amount of time.
I can tearfully imagine each frame of this stunning devotional. Your faith and love for our Lord shines strong and clear.
Thank you for the kind words, Sheila. Our Father’s love for us is what shines brightest of all. He is truly an amazing Creator, Savior, Father, and Lord Almighty! I’m so thankful He chose me as His own.
Love this post and the beautiful imagery.
You are a talented writer.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Sandra. This post just spilled onto the page after I read that verse in Psalm 102. I love when God’s Spirit prompts my heart and stirs me with the remembrance of His magnificence. Our Father is so, so good.
Thank you, Barbara, this is such a beautiful refection! We know His thoughts towards you are very good. x